Weblinks to register for travelling from other states:
The following are the weblinks to register for travelling from other states.Assam https://eservices.assam.gov.in/directApply.do?serviceId=1533
Bihar https://covid19.bihar.gov.in/
Chandigarh http://admser.chd.nic.in/dpc/
Chhattisgarh https://raipur.gov.in/cg-covid-19-epass/
Delhi https://epass.jantasamvad.org/epass/relief/english/
Gujarat https://www.digitalgujarat.gov.in/Citizen/ServiceDescription.aspx
Haryana https://edisha.gov.in/eForms/MigrantService/
Himachal Pradesh http://covid19epass.hp.gov.in
Jharkhand https://ranchi.nic.in/e-pass/
Karnataka https://sevasindhu.karnataka.gov.in/Sevasindhu/English
Kerala https://covid19jagratha.kerala.nic.in/home/addDomestic
Leh Ladakh https://leh.nic.in/epass/
Madhya Pradesh https://mapit.gov.in/covid-19/
Maharashtra https://covid19.mhpolice.in/
Odisha http://covid19regd.odisha.gov.in
Punjab http://covidhelp.punjab.gov.in
Rajasthan http://emitraapp.rajasthan.gov.in
Sikkim http://registration.covid19sikkim.org/
Tamil Nadu http://rtos.nonresidenttamil.org
Telangana https://epass-svc.app.koopid.ai/epassportal/widgets/dashboard.html
Uttar Pradesh
Uttarakhand http://smartcitydehradun.uk.gov.in/e-pass
West Bengal https://coronapass.kolkatapolice.org/
Government of India is taking all necessary steps to ensure that we are prepared well to face the challenge and threat posed by the growing pandemic of COVID-19 the Corona Virus. With active support of the people of India, we have been able to contain the spread of the Virus in our country. The most important factor in preventing the spread of the Virus locally is to empower the citizens with the right information and taking precautions as per the advisories being issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
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