Six Green Principles
Global Green Movement
Global Green Movement
As its inaugural convention in Canberra, Australia in April 2001, the Global Green movemet unveiled a charter that identified its aims and enabled environmentalisst to focus their social and political ambitions more clearly than ever before. The document is known as the Six Green Principles and contains the following aspirations:
1) Ecological wisdom: based on the ecological philosophy forulated primarily by Norweigian Arne Naess (1912-2009), which emphasizes the need to protect "deep ecology"- the most fundamental things that sustain Earth- rather than waste effort combating minor abuses;
2) Social justice: the notion that everyone is equal and that people should all act in solidarity;
3) Participatory democracy: every adult man and woman shoud have a vote and their choices at the ballot box should be real and more divers than is often reflected in many two-party systems.
4) Nonviolence: ending all forms of physical conflict.
5) Sustainability: ensuring that humans replace and replenish everything that they distroy in order to live.
6) Respect for diversity: the fair and equal treatment of minorities.
These desiderata are based on earlier manifestos produced by the Green movement, including their statement at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992 and the 2001 Accord between the Green parties of Americas and the Ecologist Parties of America. The six Green Principles, however are more codified
than anything that preceded them.
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